Aromatherapy For Your Heart Health

by Carol Barrett June 25, 2018

Aromatherapy For Your Heart Health

Juniper: Juniperus communis

Historically, juniper was used in Europe as a restorative tonic. The essential oil is extracted from berries producing a piney, fruity aroma. It is a powerful detoxifier that aids in improving circulation—making it suitable for those with hardened arteries or heart problems. Juniper acts on the body’s warm yang energy, helping to overcome physical heart problems and break through psychological stagnation.

How to: Get your heart pumping healthily with a stimulating body oil. Add 2 to 3 drops in a 1-ounce carrier oil, like sunflower and rub all over your body after showering. Give special attention to rubbing the oil on your chest to boost blood circulation.

Carol Barrett
Carol Barrett


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