Look After Your Skin This Winter
by Carol Barrett
November 13, 2016
It’s a battle every year: the cold weather sweeps in and we’re forced to deal with dry, flaky skin. It’s itchy, uncomfortable, and it looks even worse than it feels. While dry skin can start as a small annoyance, if left untreated it can sometimes lead to dermatitis, a more severe condition characterized by red, bumpy skin inflammation.
Fortunately, most dry skin arises from external causes – like cold weather – and can be nicked with topical care. Here are a few guidelines for ensuring your skin is well taken care of.
Shower sensibly. Long showers can be lovely, but if you stand in the stream for too long while the water is hot, your morning ritual could be working against you. Hot water will wash away the oils your skin already produces. Also, don’t overuse soap when you bathe – it will rob you of soft skin even faster.
Not too wet, not too dry. When you rub on lotion, be sure that your skin is damp before application to work along with the product. As soon as you hop out of the shower is best – your pours will be open and you’ll be wet all over. Just pat down the dry areas of skin before you slather on anything. You’ll trap the moisture better that way.
Use natural products. It’s important to use lotions that are based on natural ingredients. Oils with natural origins are best to gently saturate your skin. Kalola’s body butter is a good choice for especially thirsty skin. It uses a natural triumvirate: shea butter, cocoa butter, and bees’ wax.
Don’t scratch. Even when it seems impossible, you can’t claw at your skin during dry air (and dry skin) season. Itching will only further irritate your skin. Don’t prolong the problem; treat it.
Exfoliate! Especially in the winter, exfoliating is very important. Dry winter skin is the result of dry skin cell build up. As we tend to relieve this with only applying heavy creams, many of us forget that the most important ritual to healthy skin is to first exfoliate the dry skin away! Increase your exfoliation routine this season to remove the dead skin cells, and then moisturize the new cells, resulting in healthier, moister skin! Try our Body Scrubs, which we recommend using 2-3 times per week. This will enhance the skins glow with immediate results!
Your skin is your biggest, most vulnerable organ. As cold weather creeps closer and closer, take good care of your skin so you can look and feel better!
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Carol Barrett